October 18, 2024

Google’s algorithm undergoes hundreds of changes throughout the year. This means that what was effective for SEO last year – or even last month – might not work this year.

When your website that used to perform so well suddenly doesn’t, it can be frustrating. It’s possible that Google has changed the way it views content. This can have a major impact on rankings.

We’ve compiled seventeen great SEO techniques to improve your search engine presence in 2023. These techniques cover both basic and advanced SEO.

AI Tools for Content Writing

In 2023, AI-driven content creation will become a popular SEO strategy.

You can use an AI-powered tool to create articles and blogs, landing pages (Facebook Ads or Google Ads), email copy, ads (Facebook Ads or Google Ads), YouTube video descriptions, product descriptions, job descriptions, etc.

AI content writing involves using artificial intelligence, specifically the third-generation Generative Pretrained Transformer ( GPT-3), an “autoregressive model of language that uses deep-learning to produce human-like texts” to create unique content relevant for your target audience.

The ever-improving AI writing tools will help you produce high-quality blog posts or any other content at scale. The SEO strategy for Content Marketing has become increasingly popular. This is because these AI-powered writing assistants are becoming more accurate. They can save you time and money.

These tools use artificial intelligence to help writers create better content. They do some research, understand the topic you are writing about, and suggest related sections or headers.

You can write your introduction or conclusion and any paragraphs between.

Craft a meta description for your article.

It gives the AI writer a keyword or topic and basic details about what you want to cover. You will get a more precise output if you are more specific.

The AI tool will then research the subject and create a draft article in seconds. Then you review the report and make any changes necessary before publishing it.

Note You should run your final draft through Copyscape before you submit it to ensure that your AI tool did not accidentally plagiarize someone else’s work.

You can improve your SEO by using an AI-powered tool that creates content. It will generate content optimized for specific keywords. Your content will therefore be more likely to appear higher on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

App Store Optimization for Mobile SEO

App store optimization is an SEO strategy that focuses on optimizing apps for mobile devices to achieve a higher ranking within an app store. ASO’s goal is to increase the visibility of a mobile app to encourage more downloads and ultimately generate more revenue.

ASO is very similar to SEO (search engine optimization) for websites. ASO is similar to SEO, which helps websites improve their visibility on Google’s results.

Two main methods exist to improve the visibility of an app in the App Store:

Enhance the metadata of the app. This includes its title, description, and keywords.

You can improve the rating and reviews of your app by encouraging users and responding constructively to any negative reviews.

Five tips to optimize your app store:

Include relevant keywords in your titles. Your app’s title is a critical factor for ASO.

Write keyword-rich descriptions: Your app’s description, like its title, is a crucial ASO factor. Include relevant keywords in your report and make it informative.

Include relevant keywords to increase your app’s visibility. Use keywords sparingly. Only use them when they are appropriate.

Encourage positive feedback: You can improve the rating of your app and its visibility by encouraging users who leave positive reviews. This can be done by offering an incentive such as a coupon or discount code.

  • Choose high-quality screenshots that accurately represent your application.

Find the appropriate word counts and keyword densities

Each SERP is unique. Some queries can be answered instantly with a highlighted snippet, whereas others require 500-1,000 word sales pages. Some queries need articles with a 3,000+ word length.

This is all to say there needs to be a right or wrong number of words to aim for. It’s contextual, based on the search query and its top-ranking pages. If you do this correctly, it will be easier for you to rank.

Test Meta Titles for CTR

Title Tags are one of the best on-site tags for optimizing a website. Meta descriptions? Meta descriptions? Just because Google does not use meta descriptions to rank pages doesn’t mean they aren’t important.

Your website’s meta description can boost the CTR, resulting in higher rankings. In a Whiteboard, Friday episode, Rand Fishkin explained how Google could approach this issue. “If position four results are getting more clicks, shouldn’t these be switched around?.” Other credible sources, such as CXL, have also concluded that CTR can affect rankings.

Identify pages with declining traffic using content decay

Traffic and ranking from older content will inevitably drop as you add more content.

You stop adding new links. Your competitors update their articles. It isn’t easy to stay on top of everything while exploring new topics.

Tracking your old (but still valuable!) content is accessible by analyzing your traffic. You can then prioritize your resources between updating older posts and creating new content.

Content Decay: Masterclass on How to Double Blog Traffic By Refreshing Old Content

Cover-related questions to align with search intentYou can use the “People Also Ask”, “Related Searches”, and “Related Searches sections” in SERPs to discover a user’s intent.

You may feel tempted to create a lengthy tutorial (like this one) to rank well for “content optimization.” You can drive a voice-assisted search by answering questions in the “People Also Ask” section.

You can also get some ideas from the “Related Searches” section at the bottom of SERPs.

You can select the “Research tab” for each topic to see a list of searched questions.

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