October 18, 2024

You have a company website with professional photography, attention-grabbing copy, the perfect amount of keywords, good linking strategies, and a form for people to contact you. You’re sure you have everything under control. But not so fast! You must update your website regularly if you want it to continue to attract visitors.

Create new content for your website to keep visitors coming back.

People will eventually stop visiting your website if they see the same thing over and over again – no new blog posts, old content, or any indication that you are even available for support. How can you prevent this from happening to you in the future? Keep your website at the top of potential customers’ minds by following these five tips.

Add a blog and post consistently.

Blogs are important for your website’s viewership. HubSpot claims that a new blog each month can increase your inbound leads by up to 70%. Blogs do not have to last long but should be full of information and education. They shouldn’t just be a pitch for your service or product. Give your customers some of your knowledge, but make sure that they also know how to get more.

Add Photos

It is important to use photos and graphics in any industry, but especially if yours lends itself to visuals, such as interior design, landscaping, or food. Use images to showcase your work without making it obvious that you are selling something.

Your SEO will also benefit when you include keywords in the image title and alt-text.

Learn how to get more traffic, leads, and sales from Google. This WordPress SEO course will teach you how to create optimized content that Google appreciates so you can rank higher and convert more visitors into sales.

Add Videos

Videos can be used in the same way as blogs. Sometimes, they’re even called vlogs. You can use the video to educate customers about what you do or show off your products. Then, at the end, you should include clear instructions for how they can contact you.

This is important: Do not set your videos to play automatically as soon as someone visits your website. It can be not very pleasant for some people. If your customers are watching videos in an area where they shouldn’t (like their office cubicle), then the sound may cause them to click away.

Add New Offers

Each month, offer your customers a new value. You could offer a discount on a service or an eBook or whitepaper about a particular topic when customers sign up for your mailing list. Make sure to make your offer as clear as possible so that customers understand what they will receive, how to get it, and when to expect it. Clarity at the beginning will prevent confusion later.

Add Resources to Support Your Partners

You may not be aware that your product or service has a close relationship with another. Tell your customers how to find what they’re looking for. This could be an excellent strategic partnership between you and another business. Your customers will appreciate that you have done all the hard work and are saving them time by not having to look for similar products or services. This will help you to be remembered and encourage your customers to come back for more.

A content strategy will give you a clear direction for your website. It makes updating and creating content much easier. Learn more by reading our post.

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