October 18, 2024

This article will cover the basics of a landing page and some tips on how to create one that converts. A great landing page is easy to read and should emphasize the benefits that the user will receive if they invest their attention, time, or money. It must make what the user can expect clear.

What is a landing page?

If you’re working to increase traffic or generate leads, then you have probably heard about landing pages. What is a Landing Page, and why should you have one?

The homepage is often the most important page on a website. It’s partially true, but if landing pages aren’t part of your online marketing strategy, you could be missing out on some fantastic opportunities.

You need to know where to send your prospective clients to ensure that they are directed to the right place. This should be specific to your campaign and goal.

The landing page is so named because it’s the web page that your audience “lands” on when they enter a search query in Google and click the results. These pages are sometimes called lead capture pages or squeeze pages. Other names, such as opt-in pages, can also refer to them.

Types of landing pages

Lead generation landing pages and sales landing pages are the two main types of landing pages.

Lead generation landing pages capture visitor contact information to add them to an email list. A simple squeeze page will typically only collect a name and an email address, but depending upon your goals, you may also want to capture a phone number or other details about the person. All opt-ins for lead generation have something in common: they all present a compelling offer, such as a free eBook, e-course, webinar, video, etc. Sign up to encourage visitors. Once the lead has been added to your list, send them an email to try to convert them to a customer.

In contrast, sales landing pages are used to promote products and services. These pages are usually more detailed than ecommerce product pages and often link to a digital marketing campaign, a social media post, an ad, a demographic target, or a stage of the marketing funnel.

Are you ready to create your landing page? Click through our landing page examples in our post How To Build An Opt-In Page And What It Should Include to learn how to use templates from the Mai Pattern Library.

Create a headline that will grab your attention.

The headline is the most important element of your landing pages. Unfortunately, not everyone will read the copy that you’ve spent hours, days, or even weeks writing. In a world full of distractions, humans tend to skim headlines and other elements in order to grab their attention. It would be best if you caught their attention with a few words near the top of your page. You want to be specific and engaging (but not too much). If you get it right, people will be more inclined to dive deeper and convert.

Visually appealing.

How do you keep your reader’s attention? Make sure that the rest of your content is not only informative but also visually appealing. It’s important to make your landing pages easy to read and pretty. If they are not, the user experience will suffer. How to create landing pages look good:

Use colors intelligently. It’s important to use color in order to attract readers. Use your brand colors to reinforce recognition. Color also influences consumer behavior. If you want to highlight urgency and promote a limited-time offer, you may want to use a red button for your Call to Action.

Use subheadings for organization and division of the main points.

Bullets and lists make it easy to scan. Use them to highlight the benefits of your product/offer.

Keep paragraphs brief and clear. The white space between the text makes it easier to read.

Use images and videos to illustrate your message or show how your service or product works. Don’t forget to include the human factor. You can create trust by using a photo or video of yourself.

Reduce distractions. Hide your navigation menu, your footer, and perhaps even your header to simplify your page.

Focus on the advantages of your product.

You don’t have to convince your customers of a particular solution. Your customers already know what they are looking for as they arrive at your landing page.

Instead, a good landing page will focus on the benefits. How will the product or service make their life easier or better? Specificity is key. When possible, use facts and figures. Avoid hyperbole or empty promises. You can also highlight the benefits by using testimonials.

Use testimonials.

Why do you have to say it yourself when your customers will? Testimonials work because they show that your product has been successful for others. Reading first-hand positive accounts reduces risk and increases trust in your prospects.

Ask your most satisfied clients if they are willing to provide a testimonial about your product or service. You can then use it on your website even better if they are eager to have their name, professional title, and quote displayed. (Ask first). If you have case studies, you can use relevant sections.

Please keep it simple.

Keep It Short and Simple is the acronym I will use for this article. It is particularly important to keep this in mind when designing and writing landing pages. Keep your copy simple and short so that it is easy to read. They won’t even bother to read your document if you don’t.

The same is true for landing page design. Some of the best landing pages include nothing more than a CTA that is a compelling and simple form. Even the form fields themselves can be simplified. How many areas can you manage? Name and email? Email only? Make it easy for people to act if you want them to.

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