October 18, 2024

Every week, our team examines different landing pages to try and identify trends, similarities, and differences. We recently scanned our Facebook feed in search of interesting ads from SaaS businesses. Clicking on the ads allowed us to see their landing pages, messaging, and communication methods with potential customers.

This post will list the unique advantages and properties of each landing in order to help you and your community create better landing pages for customers. We examined nearly 100 landing pages and will list the top 15 that caught our attention.

According to research, the majority of readers are only able to read 60% of a page or article. In this article, we will only focus on the top portion of the landing pages since it is usually the most important part.

Monday.com landing page example

Monday.com, an advanced project-management tool, allows both technical and non-technical companies to manage the work of their teams, their projects, and their professional roadmaps.

What is unique about Monday’s landing pages?

Customized Solution: The user is asked: “What do you wish to manage.” This allows Monday to customize its product based on customer needs and also boosts the confidence of the user that he has found the best tool for his job.

A clear call to action: If the user decides to continue, he has only one option. He can start using the application.

Short and clear messaging: The entire message is conveyed in one line – the title. The landing page’s goal is to get you to test out the product quickly and to spend as little time as possible reading the page.

Buffer landing page example

Buffer is a tool for marketing professionals looking to manage the social media accounts of their companies. You can schedule posts on social networks, analyze results, and interact with the community.

What makes Buffer’s landing pages unique?

No barriers to entry for a free trial: The landing page specifies that a credit card is not required to begin a problem, and you may cancel at any time.

Buffer’s decision to be transparent about the price: Most companies don’t include pricing on landing pages, but Buffer has chosen to do so. The cost of Buffer’s products begins at $85 a month.

Elementor landing page example

Elementor is a drag-and-drop website builder that allows WordPress users to create and edit their websites easily. The pages are automatically responsive, and no programming knowledge is required to start.

What makes Elementor’s landing pages unique?

Demonstrating a product on the page. This page shows the quick “drag and drop” technique, allowing the customer to imagine how the product functions quickly.

This page directs the user to the subscription plans.

Live Chat embedded in the page: Does this user need help? The live chat is directly embedded into the page. J.D. Power conducted a study. Power, an online marketing research source that is trusted, revealed that over 42% of respondents preferred to use live chat for questions or issues while shopping. It also showed that they were more satisfied with their purchases.

Wix landing page example

Wix is a platform for building websites that are used by thousands of companies around the world. Small businesses use Wix to create and manage their websites quickly.

What makes Wix’s landing pages unique?

Read the text slowly: What about images? A study conducted by MIT neuroscientists showed that the brain can recognize images in just 13 milliseconds. This means that we can process 70 images per second. This is 60,000 times faster than processing text.

No menu item: The page’s top is blank, with no menu items (such as Pricing, FAQs, etc.). We’re used to seeing it on most websites. It can help focus users on the single CTA available to them on the page.

CircleCI landing page example

CircleCI automates the build, testing, and delivery process, allowing development teams to release code quickly. It is widely used as an integration with popular source control platforms like GitHub.

What makes CircleCI’s landing pages unique?

Go where your users go: Many CircleCI users already use GitHub or Bitbucket for storing their code and creating automation. The ability to authenticate directly using these accounts is a major benefit of the landing page.

The landing page positions CircleCI to be the leading solution for CI/CD on Amazon. The AWS and Amazon brand is used to associate themselves with the AWS ecosystem, which will appeal to any AWS users looking for seamless integrations.

MongoDB landing page example

MongoDB, a cross-platform document-oriented database, uses JSON-like documents to store customer data. It is a NoSQL system that uses JSON documents to store customer data. MongoDB, the company behind it, released its code as an open source and also offers a cloud-hosted option.

What makes MongoDB landing page unique?

Offer a free product that is not the actual product. In this case, MongoDB chose to offer an eBook to help developers design document-based schemas. Offer free value with a form. This can generate high-intent leads.

Consistent Color Schema: MongoDB uses the green color consistently in all of its assets. All of their web pages, images, buttons, and live chat widgets are green. The color green is already associated with MongoDB, especially when it comes to the database area. This can be a powerful branding tool.

Hubspot landing page example

Hubspot offers solutions for inbound marketing, customer service, and sales. Hubspot is most popular for its CRM, which includes many other capabilities in sales and marketing.

What makes Hubspot landing pages unique?

Highlight important partnerships: Hubspot chose to showcase its partnership with Google on its landing page to increase its credibility and demonstrate its footprint within the technology sector.

Focus on value, not features. The landing page highlights the importance that the customer will receive: “Kickstart sales process.” The landing page does not mention CRM or other software-related concepts. The company is merely describing the benefits that the customer can expect from the product.

Highlight that customers can begin for free: The initial offer from Hubspot Hubspot offers free. They mention it three times on the landing page. Both the CTA buttons as well as the description under the title say it. The goal of the landing pages is to encourage the user to test the product for free.

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