October 18, 2024

It doesn’t matter if it is your first time in security or if you have been working in the field for 40 years. One question always comes up. What are the best cyber security blogs?

The team has compiled a list of all the best cybersecurity blogs to follow.

We probably haven’t included all the security blogs and experts.

Cyber Security Blogs that we recommend you follow

Brian Krebs, the creator of Krebs On Security, is behind Krebs. After being hacked in 2001, he became interested in online safety. He is one of the most well-known figures in the security world today. Krebs covers topics such as the latest threats, privacy violations, cyber-criminals, and major security alerts. He is also an author.

Schneier on Security

Bruce Schneier’s blog is another cybersecurity blog worth reading daily. He is a renowned security expert who has been called “security guru” in The Economist. He authored books and hundreds of articles, essays, and security papers about cyber security. He is also a well-known figure in the media. He is a prominent figure in the media, both for his expertise and for how he communicates his views.

Tao Security

Richard Bejtlich is the founder of Tao Security. He is a former FireEye Chief Security Strategist and advisor to Treat Stack’s security ecosystem. He is also the author of a number of books on security. He began his career as an Air Force military intelligence officer.

He shares his extensive experience in the world of cybercrime and malicious attacks against enterprise networks. He is an expert on Chinese cyber criminals, as a large number of attacks originate from China.

Graham Cluley

Graham Cluley has become one of the best-known independent computer security analysts. He has been in the industry ever since the early 1990s. He began as a programmer and wrote the first version of Dr. Solomon’s Antivirus toolkit for Windows. He then held senior positions at Sophos and McAfee.

Troy Hunt

Troy Hunt, a Microsoft Regional Director in Australia and MVP for Developer Security. He is a speaker at conferences and gives advice and training to security professionals. He is also the author of many highly-rated courses on web safety.

You’ve probably heard of his “Have i Been Pwned?” project, a service that will tell you if your data has been compromised.

Safety Matters

Pierluigi Pagaini created Security Matters. He is an ethical hacker and security analyst. You’ll find interviews with hackers and useful cyber security on his blog. In 2016, the blog won an award for Best European Personal Security blog.

Architect security

This cyber security blog is owned by April C. Wright has more than 25 years of experience in the industry of information security. She shows others how simple actions can make the world a safer and better place.

Black Reading

Dark Reading is an extremely popular cyber security site that targets professionals in the IT industry as well as security researchers and technology specialists. Their experience and expertise are used to create articles, recommendations, and news on the IT cybersecurity landscape.


CIO provides you with the latest news, articles on information technology, and insights and analyses about major data breaches, online threats, and other online threats that could put your security in danger. It covers a wide range of topics related to the World Wide Web and provides IT professionals with in-depth information.

CSO online

CSO offers users the latest and best information on technology and business. It also covers loss prevention, software vulnerabilities and cybercriminal threats, malware, data breaches, and other cyber security tips.

The PCMag Security Watch

Neil Rubenking, known for his directness and witticisms, is PC Magazine’s Lead Analyst. If you’re looking for advice on security products, such as firewalls, anti-spam, antivirus software, or full security suites, you should listen to him. This cyber security blog also contains detailed reports and sharp analyses of security programs. It should be on your “cybersecurity blogs to follow” list if this is what you are looking for. He is also the author of several books.

Paul’s Security Weekly

Paul Asadoorian runs this security blog. It covers a variety of topics, including security news, technical articles, and research studies, as well as valuable information about hacking and cybercrime.


This is a leading online media company that provides reliable tools, strong analyses, and real-time news on cyber security. It also offers information about the latest online vulnerabilities.

SC Magazine

SC Magazine is a magazine that provides technical information, data analysis, and other tools to combat the current online security threats. The site contains testing results on email security, mobile device security, cloud security, and web security.


PC Magazine is one of the top tech sites for the software industry. It offers a lot of reviews and research on the newest products in online security. Don’t forget about searching for an article dedicated to a development that you are interested in.

Security Week

You should follow this blog to keep up with the latest information security news and insights. You can also find opinions and insights from IT security experts from around the globe.

Ars Technica

One of the oldest publications in technology. Its mission statement is to “be technically savvy, current and fun,” as opposed to what was popular when it was first founded.


Softpedia covers a wide range of topics, including tech news and technology. SoftNews NET SRL (a Romanian firm) founded the site in 2001.

The Last Watchdog

The Last Watchdog, founded by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Byron V. Acohido, who is a respected influencer in cybersecurity, is considered one of the best cybersecurity blogs. Find personal opinions, Q&As, helpful podcasts, or videos on cyber security.


Wired is a classic American online magazine that reports on technology and its role in the economy, culture, and politics. It covers a wide range of topics, including online privacy, cybercriminal attacks, system security, and the latest security updates.


Mashable was founded in 2005. They want to be the leading global media company for digital culture and the Connected Generation. You can read the latest cybersecurity news by following their category.

IT Pro Portal

It Pro Portal was one of the UK’s first technology websites, launched in 1999. Since then, it has become one of the UK’s most important resources for technology information. You’ll find reviews of tech products, market analyses, cyber security information, and more.

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