October 18, 2024


Optimizing your website and marketing efforts for mobile will be more important in 2018 than in 2017. The mobile revolution will have an impact on all digital trends in the coming year, including voice search, video, localization, and social media. Mobile video consumption is up by 25%, while desktop video consumption is down for the first time. The majority of users also use mobile devices for search.

Google now indexes websites based on their mobile content. In the near future, we may see search engine penalties against websites that lack mobile optimization. This would be detrimental to an organization’s success. If you want to optimize your content for mobile, make sure that the website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly. Let’s look at some numbers to help you understand the importance of mobile.

  • Google reports that 61% of mobile users will not return to a site if it is difficult to access.
  • 57% of users won’t recommend a company with a bad mobile website (Source: IMPACT).
  • 63% of millennials use their mobile devices to shop every day (Source: MediaPost).

Voice Search

In 2018, optimizing for voice searches will become increasingly important. Marketers can reach more people by understanding and using voice search queries. Google estimates that 20 percent of searches are conducted via voice through its app (Source: Marketing Week). This number is expected to grow as new voice-based technologies such as Alexa and Google Home are developed.

Generation Z & Social Media

In 2018, marketing efforts will be geared toward Generation Z. This generation is predicted to make up 40% of the consumer market by 2020. (AdWeek). Social media is a major part of their lives, and a company’s strategy will have a big impact on the success of its marketing. When communicating with Generation Z, it is important to incorporate social responsibility and consumer engagement into your marketing messages.

With the rise of media and distractions, you will need to be more concise and clear with your copy. The average attention span of humans is shorter than that of a goldfish. Gen. Z is known to classify their social media time, meaning they use each platform for a different purpose. Snapchat is a platform other than Instagram, and vice versa.

What does it mean for marketing strategies? Social media marketing is no longer a singular strategy for businesses. What works on one platform may not work on another. Each platform should be treated separately. Marketers shouldn’t use cross-platform material. Each piece of content, as well as its message, should be tailored for each platform.

Marketers can seamlessly integrate their marketing messages into the user’s experience by keeping in mind the state of mind that the consumer is in according to the platform. Ads are being placed in stories on Snapchat and Instagram.


In the next year, we may continue to see an increase in the number of micro-influencers. Many companies turn to micro-influencers as the costs of top and macro influencers increase. Micro-influencers have a smaller audience, but they are more authentic and engage their followers better. Your marketing will be more accurate, targeted, and cost-effective if you use micro-influencers.

Think quality, not quantity. Your brand will be more credible and remembered if you have a higher level of engagement. Generation Z, as we mentioned before, is more receptive to marketing messages that are integrated into the user’s experience. The perfect way to accomplish this is by using micro-influencers. You can kill two birds with one shot. Do your research and find micro-influencers who align with your brand. Engage with the people in your target market.

What does this mean for you?

A marketing strategy that works will help you to start the year off strong. Understand your brand and your target market, as well as the best ways to reach them. When assembling your marketing arsenal and strategy, some trends will be more important than others. Mobile optimization is important, no matter what your industry. A large part of your content may go unnoticed without a mobile strategy.

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